Inter Academy Council Report: Inventing a Better Future

The InterAcademy Council was established in May 2000 by a number of national science academies from around the world. (InterAcademy website)  The authors highlight that “industrialized countries continue to vastly outspend the developing nations in research and even capture some of their most precious human resources for their own use.” (InterAcademy website)

The report contains five clusters of recommendations in the areas of:

– science, technology and society (focus on national S&T strategies and public understanding of the importance of S&T);

– expansion of human resources;

– creation of world-class research institutions (focus on Centres of Excellence, networks of excellence, harnessing ICT, regional cooperation);

– engagement of public and private sectors (“in true partnerships, clarifying distinctions between public goods and proprietary interests”); and

– targeted funding of research and training efforts.  (InterAcademy website)


Source: UN website.