Project dates: 2007 to 2010 Debates about transgenic crops have become highly polarised across the globe. In the process, civil society organisations and movements have emerged as key actors, alongside…
Beyond Biosafety
Biochar and Anthropogenic Dark Earths
This project investigates how charred carbon (biochar) is used to enrich soil by African farmers, and how it is being discussed and promoted as a potential solution to environmental problems.
Environmental change and maize innovations in Kenya
Maize is seen as a vital part of food security in East Africa. In the context of climate change, market uncertainty and changes in land use, how can farmers and others choose different crops or alternative methods for growing maize?
Responding to zoonotic and related diseases in intensifying livestock systems: diverse framings and pathways
The intensification of livestock production is thought to make the problem of transboundary infectious diseases worse. This project explores how different groups understand these diseases, the issue of intensification and options for the future.
A Socio-Technical Analysis of the Livestock Revolution: Innovation Pathways in Poultry Production in Sub-Saharan Africa
What would a Livestock Revolution in Asia and Africa mean for the environment and for different groups in society?
Urbanisation in Asia: the peri-urban interface and sustainability of south Asian cities
This project looks at water in peri-urban Delhi, exploring the problems in the way water is viewed and managed by authorities, leaving some people without adequate access.
Dams: securitization, risks and the global water-energy-food nexus
A project looking at how climate change, security concerns and science are being used to justify large programmes of dam-building worldwide.
ESPA Water Futures
This project aims to understand how agricultural productivity can be enhanced and sustained by irrigation, through improved management of ecosystem services, in order to alleviate poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Through…