Kenya: ACTS/STEPS Manifesto Roundtable – Afternoon group sessions

After a fruitful morning session, where we heard participants’ responses to the Manifesto and examples of their own work, the afternoon focused on solutions in 3 areas: Health, Food and…

Credibility Across Cultures – STEPS Annual Symposium 2013

Our symposium on the global politics of scientific advice was held on 6-7 February at the University of Sussex. Video, slides, comment and other resources are now available to view….


The STEPS Centre ran a special session at the 9th Globelics Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 17 November, entitled Innovation for Social Inclusion and Sustainable Development.

Technological paradigms and technological trajectories – 1982

Giovanni Dosi – 1982 There is a recognised relationship between economic growth and technical progress; however the intimacies of the relationship includes technical development in relation to the market in…

STEPS Symposium 2013: Beyond Rio+20 – Improving global structures for scientific advice

Lidia Brito. Photo: Lance Bellers Guest blog by Ruth Segal, Doctoral Researcher, SPRU   In recent years, global initiatives have attempted to co-ordinate scientific advice and assessments – on climate…

When global climate change politics meets African agriculture

by Joanes Atela, Political Ecologies of Carbon in Africa project As nations debate climate change this week at the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP19), addressing the urgent questions linking…

Resilience 2014: Limits revisited? Planetary boundaries, justice and power

By Melissa Leach, IDS Director In 1972 Meadows et al’s Limits to Growth made scientific and policy waves, as its ‘World3’ model predicted the end of growth and prosperity as…

Missionary discourses: can the green economy bring climate justice to the South?

by Joanes Atela, researcher, political ecology of carbon in Africa project The green economy has become one of the most powerful political and social agendas in the era of climate…

Building low carbon, high growth futures in Africa

An article in New Scientist magazine pubished today sets out one of the most hotly-contestated questions about increasing energy access in the global south: can low carbon techology deliver meaningful opportunities for economic growth? Author…