Thriving in an ever-changing world: from technocratic control to emancipatory care?

This is the fourth and last in a series of blog posts on the climate by STEPS co-director Andy Stirling, under the heading: ‘Controlling a stable planetary climate – or…

Transformation in a crisis: reflections on research and action

This is a personal reflection from Lyla Mehta on the Transformations to Sustainability mid-term workshop, which took place virtually in June 2020. Find out more about the meeting and see…

Challenging sustainability research: how can methods make a difference?

 by Marina Apgar and Rose Cairns, Methods theme convenors In this introductory blogpost for the STEPS theme on Methods, we discuss three meanings of sustainability research as ‘challenging research’. Methods…

Challenging Research

In a series of events in 2021 entitled Challenging Research, we asked critical questions on the way we use and think about methodologies in sustainability research. About the series Faced…


Professor Sir Hans Singer considered it one of the three most important reports he had been involved in writing. Given Prof. Singer’s illustrious career spanning seven decades from 1936, that…


  At the tail end of the 1960’s the United Nations asked for recommendations on science and technology for development from ‘The Sussex Group’ – a team from the Institute…

Sharing Traditional Technology Project UNU

This project, initially supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), later taken up by the United Nations University (UNU), tried to explore how formal science and technology and its associated institutions interact with farmers and other rural inhabitants who have innovated for centuries, albeit in a different way and without the same institutional mechanisms.