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Innovation Histories workshop, the Solar Home System market in Kenya

←BACK TO PRO-POOR LOW CARBON DEVELOPMENT   Innovation Histories briefing (PDF 226kb) Innovation Histories report Full report from the workshop (PDF 1,136kb) Photos from the Innovation Histories workshop Watch a…

STEPS Centre Summer School 2013

Our Summer School brought together an exceptional group of people who are exploring and developing ideas on pathways to sustainability. Through a mix of lectures, walks, discussions and public events, participants…

Pandemic Flu Controversies

How can a better understanding of the social, political, institutional and policy dimensions of pandemic control and preparedness planning help us deal with new outbreak controversies, such as the new H7N9 avian flu in…

World Water Day 2013

Lyla Mehta, STEPS Centre water and sanitation convenor, writes about the need to look at the Millennium Development Goal on water and sanitation and what it means for gender justice, particularly as we look…

The Entrepreneurial State and the Risk-Reward Nexus: Implications for Innovation and Inequality

Mariana Mazzucato, Professor of Economics, SPRU, University of Sussex, will give a STEPS Seminar on Tuesday 16 April on a new framework to study the relationship between innovation and inequality. Tuesday 16 April, 1pm-2.30pm University of…

Storify: STEPS symposium 2013

This Storify documents tweets, links, photos and video posted during the 2013 STEPS Symposium, Credibility Across Cultures: expertise, uncertainty and the global politics of scientific advice, held in February 2013…

STEPS Symposium video


View all the video from our symposium “Credibility across cultures: expertise, uncertainty and the global politics of scientific advice”, which took place at Sussex University on 6-7 February 2013. Symposium…

STEPS Symposium 2013 – Speaker presentations

The 2013 STEPS Symposium, Credibility Across Cultures: expertise, uncertainty and the global politics of scientific advice, was held in February 2013 at the University of Sussex. Slides from the speakers…

Credibility Across Cultures – STEPS Annual Symposium 2013

Our symposium on the global politics of scientific advice was held on 6-7 February at the University of Sussex. Video, slides, comment and other resources are now available to view….