Over the last decade, radically open and collaborative forms of producing knowledge and material artifacts have been gaining ground, accelerated by the advance of new technologies. Researchers from STEPS Latin…
Three projects that explore open and collaborative production
Could new alliances for seeds in Argentina be a way to nurture agricultural diversity?
Over the last three decades there has been an unprecedented process of concentration in world and regional seed markets. Seed R&D has shifted from being widely distributed over hundreds of…
Who owns our seeds? Video ‘Intellectual Property and Seeds’ explains the issues
Limiting access to seeds means limiting food production and access, and putting biodiversity at risk. This video explains the importance of intellectual property for seeds. It was produced by STEPS…
TRIPS agreement
The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) was negotiated during the Uruguay Round of talks of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).