Routledge/Earthscan, 2016 Edited by Kevin Bardosh Buy from the publishers Zoonotic diseases – pathogens transmitted from animals to people – offer particularly challenging problems for global health institutions and actors…
One Health: Science, politics and zoonotic disease in Africa
Addressing Resistance to Antibiotics in Pluralistic Health Systems
STEPS Working Paper 84 Download the paper (PDF 898kb) There is growing international concern about the threat to public health of the emergence and spread of bacteria resistant to existing…
Rift Valley fever in Kenya: policies to prepare and respond (briefing)
Download this briefing (PDF) The costs of responding to outbreaks of transmissible and infectious diseases, especially zoonotic infections that can infect both animals and people, can be far greater than…
The politics of zoonoses understanding and response
What drives differing responses to zoonotic diseases? Seven new working papers from the STEPS-led Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa Consortium consider understandings around ecosystems and health as they relate…
Rift Valley fever in Kenya: Policies to prepare and respond
STEPS Working Paper 82 Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a zoonotic infection incompletely understood by scientists, pastoralists and policy makers. The irregular intervals at which outbreaks occur make it difficult…
Lassa fever: The politics of an emerging disease and the scope for One Health
STEPS Working Paper 83 This paper explores the politics of knowledge and disease control for Lassa fever, a zoonotic viral haemorrhagic fever which is endemic in parts of West Africa….
The political economy of One Health research and policy
STEPS Working Paper 81 ‘One Health’ has emerged over the last decade as a key concept guiding international research and policy in the field of emerging infectious diseases such as…
Responding to uncertainty: Bats and the construction of disease risk in Ghana
STEPS Working Paper 80 Zoonotic disease has gained international attention since the identification of avian and swine influenza, with academic focus on the modelling of disease emergence, and policy centring…
The Politics of Delivering One Health
Diseases that affect people and have their origins in animals (zoonoses) have the potential to cause social, political and economic upheaval, often with little warning. Witness 2014’s Ebola outbreak in…
Towards One Health? Evolution of international collaboration networks on Nipah virus research from 1999-2011
STEPS Working Paper 74 The world is now facing the emergence of new pathogens and the return of old ones at an unprecedented speed. Among the wide range of emerging…