Rethinking disease preparedness: incertitude and the politics of knowledge

This paper argues for a rethinking of disease preparedness that puts incertitude and the politics of knowledge at the centre. Through examining the experiences of Ebola, Nipah, cholera and COVID-19…

Post-pandemic transformations: How and why Covid-19 requires us to rethink development

World Development Volume 138, February 2021 (published Open Access online) Read this paper COVID-19 is proving to be the long awaited ‘big one’: a pandemic capable of bringing societies and…

Pathways for Sustainable Urban Waste Management and Reduced Environmental Health Risks in India: Winners, Losers, and Alternatives to Waste to Energy in Delhi

Article in the journal Frontiers in Sustainable Cities that explores how centralized waste-to-energy (WTE) became the dominant ‘singular’ solution to Delhi’s solid waste crisis.

COVID-19 and the Futility of Control in the Modern World

Issues in Science and Technology 36, no. 4 (Summer 2020): 25–27 Amid the very real devastations of already-vulnerable lives and livelihoods caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a…

Waste to Energy in Delhi: Alternatives towards Sustainable Urban Waste Management

With the increasing waste production in urban areas, multiple technological solutions, models of waste governance and alternative practices of solid waste management have started acquiring momentum in Indian cities. Of…

FreeBook: Pathways to Health and Sustainability

This Routledge FreeBook highlights some of the major findings that have emerged over the last decade of the STEPS Centre’s research on health and disease. This new collection draws on…

People, Patches, and Parasites: The Case of Trypanosomiasis in Zimbabwe

Human Ecology volume 45, pages 643–654 Understanding the socio-ecology of disease requires careful attention to the role of patches within disease landscapes. Such patches, and the interfaces between different socio-epidemiological…

Peri-Urbanism in Globalizing India: A Study of Pollution, Health and Community Awareness

This paper examines the intersection between environmental pollution and people’s acknowledgements of, and responses to, health issues in Karhera, a former agricultural village situated between the rapidly expanding cities of…

Structural drivers of vulnerability to zoonotic disease in Africa

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 372, 20160169 By Dzingirai Vupenyu, Salome Bukachi, Melissa Leach, Lindiwe Mangwanya, Ian Scoones and Annie Wilkinson This paper argues that addressing the underlying structural drivers…