Dates: 2014 – 2018 Livestock, Livelihoods and Health is an interdisciplinary research programme exploring diseases that can be transmitted from wild or domesticated animals to people (zoonoses). These diseases, as…
Livestock, Livelihoods and Health
MEGADAPT: the dynamics of multi-scalar adaptation in Mexico City
The MEGADAPT project aims to reduce vulnerability from the effects of climate change by improving the capacity to manage risks posed by factors such as increased flooding and chronic water…
The Nexus Network
The STEPS Centre is a lead partner in The Nexus Network, an ESRC-funded initiative which brings together researchers, policy makers, business leaders and civil society to improve decision making on…
Low carbon innovation in China: prospects, politics and practice
Overview | Team | Contact | Publications | Video | Media | Slides | Photos Date: late 2013 – 2017 Overview: How do government-led, high-tech ‘indigenous innovation’ approaches compare with emergent, lower-tech…
Risks and Responses to Urban Futures
This project looks at the connections between ecosystem services (ES), livelihoods and poverty in peri-urban areas of South Asia. It aims to produce evidence and tools to link ecosystem services…
Rift Valley Fever: policies to prepare and respond
This project compared the responses to two diseases – Rift Valley Fever (RVF) in East Africa, and BSE in the UK and European Union. These so-called transboundary animal diseases are…
Low carbon development
Sustainable energy technologies could contribute significantly to human development and economic growth in low-income countries. What are the key policy lessons from historical research explaining the success of the market for…
Innovation, Sustainability, Development: A New Manifesto
In 1970 a radical document called The Sussex Manifesto helped shape modern thinking on science and technology for development. Forty years on, what kind of science and technology for development…
Uncertainty from below
How do people deal with uncertainty about climate, disease or natural disasters like floods? This project aimed to compare and contrast the views of people who study uncertainty with the perspectives…
The Rising Powers: Clean Development and the Low Carbon Transition in sub-Saharan Africa
This interdisciplinary research project examined how, why and to what extent the Rising Powers (specifically China, India and Brazil) are enabling the transition to low carbon energy systems in Southern…