STEPS thinking on low carbon development is profiled in the latest issue of the African Technopolitan [PDF]the flagship magazine from ACTS (the host of our Africa Sustainability hub).
David Ockwell and Rob Byrne’s contribution is an article on ‘Climate Relevant Innovation System Builders’ (CRIBS), previously profiled in a STEPS blog. A peer-reviewed article on this work has also recently been published in the journal Climate Policy. The CRIBS work is also profiled on the blog of the Our Common Future conference on climate change, which starts tomorrow in Paris.
The July edition of African Technopolitan also includes an article by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, who calls for a ‘data revolution’ in Africa with the advent of the Sustainable Development Goals and a post-2015 development agenda.
You can download all issues of the African Technopolitan, including the latest issue, at the ACTS website: