Tackling climate change: the contested politics of forest carbon projects in Africa

Tackling climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our age. And this year is a crucial moment with the Conference of the Parties meeting in Paris in…

From COP21 to antibiotics: all the latest news from STEPS

Resources to help make sense of climate change in the run up to COP21 feature in our latest newsletter, packed with new projects, publications and events. Read all about it:…

Our Common Future day 1: Climate science & climate politics in Paris

STEPS member Adrian Ely is at the Our Common Future conference in Paris, and has sent this blogpost looking back on Day 1. The conference runs until Friday. Read our…

A market without trading: China’s ambition to create a nationwide Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) and its challenges

It is 10 years since the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS) launched. Now China is working on its own equivalent scheme, with a huge potential impact. But China’s businesses –…

Reports on climate change and health forecast gloomy future but ‘no-regret’ options may save the day

Ever since climate change became an issue of concern there have been questions about the possible impacts on health. This month, two landmark reports have been released, both of which…

Africa Sustainability Hub will promote low-carbon opportunities

A new African sustainability research hub will make a “huge contribution” to promoting low carbon economic development in Kenya, according to a speech on Wednesday 10th June by Hon. Henry…

Pope Francis’ environmental encyclical

Today sees the publication of “Laudato Si”, the Pope’s encyclical on the environment. Encyclicals are for Catholics (and there are 1.2 billion of them in the world) but in this…