On the eve of the launch of our new report Innovation, Sustainability, Development: A New Manifesto, project’s convenor, Adrian Ely, and our colleague Kevin Urama, executive director of the African Technology Policy Studies Network, have published a joint opinion piece on SciDev.net calling for new politics of innovation built around diversity, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability.
While we at the STEPS Centre have been beavering away on the New Manifesto project for the past couple of years, so many others around the world have been working hard on thier ideas about the future of science, innovation and technology for development. Kevin’s organisation is one of those organisation’s with many fanatastic ideas emerging from thier work.
Other groups who have been working in this area will be at our launch tomorrow, where we hope to spark not only some interesting debate, but importantly, some action going forward.
You can read Adrian and Kevin’s opinion piece on SciDev.net, where you can commnent and contribute, or, of course, you can comment here.