As Britain faces the prospect of leaving the European Union, here’s a couple of blog posts on what the referendum result might mean for the UK’s role in international development.
Ian Scoones on Brexit and Africa: Why Britain’s Decision to leave the EU is bad news for Africa
“The decision will fundamentally affect the continent’s relationship with Britain. It will have an impact on trade, aid and diplomacy. And, with Britain going it alone, the moderating influence of the EU will be lost.”
Melissa Leach on Brexit and the future of the UK’s international development agenda
“There are major implications for global geo-politics and governance, as the post-war European project declines at the same time as other powers and networks – from a changing US and Russia to the BRICS and China’s ‘one road, one belt’ initiative and more – rise to prominence on the world stage.”
Read the full post on the IDS website
Andy Stirling on Brexit, science and ‘post-truth’ politics
“To properly get at truths, requires open, respectful, reasoned contestation – free (though only ever partly) from fetters and pressures of power. So science arguably best comes about – and flourishes most – in energetic strivings towards democracy…So what are the implications, when society suffers a collapse – not only in these political qualities, but in abilities properly to notice their decay?”
Read the full post on the STEPS blog
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