The Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa was a research programme designed to deliver much-needed, cutting-edge science on the relationships between ecosystems, zoonoses, health and wellbeing, with the objective of helping people move…
About Us
The Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa programme brought together natural and social scientists, including environmental, biological, social, political, and human and animal health researchers. It was an integrated multidisciplinary –…
The Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa team comprised: Neil Anderson Neil is a vet with a PhD in wildlife epidemiology. His research interests centre around the transmission of diseases at the wildlife/livestock/human…
The Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa Consortium was funded by the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) programme. The ESPA programme is funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), the…
The Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa programme saw natural and social scientists working on four zoonotic diseases, each affected in different ways by ecosystem changes and having different impacts on…
“Green Grabs”: Appropriating nature
A special issue of the Journal of Peasant Studies, published in May 2012, explores the controversial issue of ‘green grabbing’ – the appropriation of land and resources for environmental ends….
September 2017 People, patches, and parasites: the case of trypanosomiasis in Zimbabwe, was published in the journal Human Ecology. Co-authors include DDDAC partners Ian Scoones, Vupenyu Dzingirai, Neil Anderson, William Shereni and Susan Welburn. june 2017 A Special Theme Issue of the Philosophical…
The STEPS Centre is delighted to have been granted new ESRC funding, running until 2016, following our first five years of research. In this new phase we are launching eight…
STEPS at Planet Under Pressure
The STEPS Centre mounted a variety of activities at the Planet Under Pressure conference in London (March 26-29) from convening a key session to having an exhibition stand and holding…
Listen to Victor Galaz, co-lead of the Drivers of Disease political economy of knowledge and policy theme, and Assistant Professor at the Stockholm…