UNCTAD Committee on Transfer of Technology

In 1974, the Trade and Development Board transformed the Group on Transfer of Technology into the Committee on Transfer of Technology (CTT). During the 1970s, the Committee focused on issues related to the transfer of technology, including terms and conditions for such transfer, reflecting a major preoccupation of developing countries with improving access to foreign technology and ways and means of acquiring it at fairer prices and on fairer conditions.

As at the later discussions in Vienna 1979, these issues related to the asymmetries between developed and developing countries in the market for technology; and the need to reduce the imbalance in the bargaining position of the parties to the transfer of technology contracts was also considered. This subsequently led to the launching of negotiations on an international code of conduct on the transfer of technology. (UNCTAD, 1997: 10-11)



UNCTAD (1997) Note by the UNCTAD Secretariat for Consideration of Ways and Means of Commemorating in 1999 of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Vienna Conference on Science and Technology for Development.  Economic and Social Council. Commission on Science and Technology for Development.  Third Session. Geneva, 12 May 1997.  E/CN.16/1997/7.  Accessed online at: http://www.unctad.org/en/docs/ecn16_97d7.en.pdf  

Draft International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology [1985 version]  http://stdev.unctad.org/compendium/documents/totcode%20.html