Environmental Partnership for Sustainable Development founded

Founded in 1991 as a response to the dramatic political changes in the region, the Environmental Partnership for Central Europe (as it was first called) initially aimed to identify key environmental issues and goals within the regions, for which US-based private foundations could provide financial and technical support.

Moving from the Soviet regime and intense industrial production for economic growth towards the more Westernised goals for Sustainable Development provided a large ideological shift, so the goal for the EPCE was to support NGOs and governments while also encouraging grassroots civil engagement with the global sustainability agenda at both the local, community-based level and the broader cross-border level.

Today the EPSD functions as a consortium of national organisations that have awarded grants of around a total of €20 million across over 8,000 initiatives in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. While these projects target many areas of environmental protection – for example NGO capacity building, organic agriculture and biodiversity protection – their flagship project is the Central European Greenways project which promotes sustainable transport alongside local economic needs and community engagement. These national foundations are the largest source of private investment for sustainable development in the region and continue to support both governments and individuals in meeting and developing their sustainability goals.

Further programs of the EPSD include Schools for Sustainable Development and Alternative Energy including monitoring, information and debate on the risks of nuclear energy.

Timeline entry contributed by Sam Rush

Source: EPSD website