Women and Technical Innovation in Asia

“In an effort to challenge the common view that women passively respond to technology, the Do It Herself research project, funded by UNIFEM, the Ford Foundation, and other organizations, was conceived to examine women’s contributions to technical innovations at a grassroots level.

Farmer First Workshop at IDS

Farmer First Workshop at IDS “Farmers and Agricultural Research: Complementary Methods”

ILO Report ‘Blending of New and Traditional Technologies’

ILO submits a report on ‘Blending of New and Traditional Technologies’ to The UN Advisory Committee on Science and Technology for Development

Work within CGIAR using participatory approaches

Work within CGIAR system on technology development using participatory approaches, controversial though they were, gave empirical evidence of how participatory methods had been effective in influencing the priorities and content of research and extension programme.

UN panel meets to explore ‘technology blending’

A panel of the UN Advisory Committee on Science and Technology for Development (ACSTD) meets in the Philippines to explore integration of new and traditional technologies (‘technology blending’) for development.

Herrera ‘Modern and Traditional Technologies’

Herrera, A. (1975), ‘Modern and Traditional Technologies: An Approach to the Generation of Technologies Appropriate for Rural Areas’. Mimeo, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex, Sussex.

Sharing Traditional Technology Project UNU

This project, initially supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), later taken up by the United Nations University (UNU), tried to explore how formal science and technology and its associated institutions interact with farmers and other rural inhabitants who have innovated for centuries, albeit in a different way and without the same institutional mechanisms.