Two articles about Bioleft project and the first Bioleft seed, Ubuntu, were published last month on specialized n
n the press Bioleft project and
Ubuntu, collective seed: Bioleft project on the press
T-Lab in Buenos Aires: Bioleft, co-designing open source seeds
The Latin America Hub of Pathways to Sustainabilty project is working on a system to protect biological information and ensure its circulation for research and development.
STEPS researchers receive grants from Sussex Sustainability Research Programme
The Sussex Sustainability Research Programme (SSRP), a partnership between the University of Sussex and the Institute for Development Studies, has announced its first round of funding.
A human rights approach to Water and Food Security connections
A new report on water for food security and nutrition led by Lyla Mehta shows how land, food and water issues are inextricably linked and must be reflected in policymaking…
Sustainability in a Changing China
The STEPS Centre is delighted to be working with partners in China to launch a Sustainability Hub for collaborative, interdisciplinary research and learning, launched today at an international conference on…
Get involved! Your views on water and food security wanted by the UN.
Would you like to help inform a report for the UN on food and water security? Now here is your chance. A year ago, the United Nations Committee on World Food Security…
Understanding water for food security
Lyla Mehta, STEPS Centre water & sanitation theme convenor, is heading a team writing the report on Water and Food Security to the Committee of World Food Security (CFS). Water…
Call for papers: Is the Nexus Secure … and for Whom?
Water Alternatives will publish a special issue on Critical Thinking On the ‘New Security Convergence’ in Energy, Food, Climate and Water, with financial support from the STEPS Centre. The editors invite abstracts…
GM crops and biotechnology
GM crops, Golden Rice and other related technologies polarise opinion: they are the solution to the global food crisis; or they are ‘frankenfoods’ causing irreversible environmental harm. Concerns about poverty,…
Against ‘monocultures’ in agriculture and knowledge
Faced with the undeniable fact of hunger in developing countries, ‘sustainable intensification’ has been claimed as a science-led solution to food security. In an article for SciDev.Net, Prof Brian Wynne…