With conceptual roots in political economy and cultural ecology, as well as close relationships with development studies and science and technology studies, the multidisciplinary field of political ecology shares a…
Political Ecology: resources, power and justice
David Ockwell at UNFCCC workshop on innovation systems (live webcast)
On 13–14 October, the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) of the UNFCCC is holding a workshop on Strengthening national systems of innovation in developing countries, covering the entire technology cycle for…
Sustainable Development Goals: lessons from the ‘nexus’
As part of our engagement with the ‘nexus’ of food, water, energy and the environment, STEPS members will be participating in an Overseas Development Institute event on 11 September 2014….
The nexus – politics, practice and disciplinary dilemmas
STEPS researchers have written a series of blogposts for the Guardian and the Nexus Platform website addressing the challenges of the water-food-energy-environment ‘nexus’. Andy Stirling addresses the challenges of working across disciplines,…
STEPS-JNU SYMPOSIUM: Making climate change visible
By Ian Scoones, Co-Director, STEPS Centre The second session at the JNU-STEPS Symposium focused on how uncertainties generated by climate change are appreciated both ‘from above’ and ‘from below’ –…
STEPS-JNU SYMPOSIUM: Turning urban sustainability on its head
By Ian Scoones, Co-Director, STEPS Centre At the STEPS-JNU Symposium on ‘Exploring Pathways to Sustainability’ organised with the Centre for Studies in Science Policy (CSSP) at Jawaharlal Nehru University in…
STEPS-JNU Symposium: Exploring Pathways To Sustainabilty
Our 2014 Annual Symposium, ‘Exploring pathways to sustainability’, was co-organised with the Centre for Studies in Science Policy at Jawaharlal Nehru University, India and launched a new initiative across four schools…
COP19: A push for pro-poor low carbon development
Julia Day, STEPS Centre Communications Manager All too often discussions about low carbon technologies range around the interests of high and middle income countries, but fail to factor in the…
When global climate change politics meets African agriculture
by Joanes Atela, Political Ecologies of Carbon in Africa project As nations debate climate change this week at the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP19), addressing the urgent questions linking…
World Social Science Report 2013: Navigating pathways in the safe and just space for humanity
A framework for negotiating pathways to a safe and just sustainable future for people and planet is presented by Melissa Leach, STEPS Centre director, in a new article for the World…