By Martin Bell The central challenge in the original Sussex Manifesto centred on massively increasing the developing countries’ scientific and technological capabilities for creating new knowledge and shaping the technologies…
Background paper / Innovation Capabilities and Directions of Development
Background paper / Direction, Distribution and Diversity! Pluralising Progress in Innovation, Sustainability and Development
By Andy Stirling Notions of ‘progress’ pervade the modern world. Yet, ‘north’ and ‘south’ alike, policymaking for progress in innovation, sustainability and development tends to be ambiguous. Politicians speak of…
Background paper / The Original ‘Sussex Manifesto’: Its Past and Future Relevance
By Adrian Ely and Martin Bell The original “Sussex Manifesto” called for radical change in international debate and action about harnessing science and technology to development.
Background paper / Low Carbon Development: The Role of Local Innovative Capabilities
By David Ockwell, Adrian Ely, Alexandra Mallett, Oliver Johnson and Jim Watson The term “development” is synonymous with economic growth. Theory and empirical evidence suggests decoupling energy use from economic…
Background paper / Emerging Technologies and Opportunities for International Science and Technology Foresight
By Patrick Van Zwanenberg, Adrian Ely, Andy Stirling This background paper focuses on the potential role that international science and technology ‘foresight-type’ activities might play in informing decision-making processes about…
Background paper / Going with the Flow? Directions of Innovation in the Water
By Synne Movik and Lyla Mehta Water and sanitation issues are looming large on the international agenda, not least due to the impetus created by the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)…
Background paper / Reforming the Global Food and Agriculture System: Towards a Questioning Agenda for the New Manifesto
By Erik Millstone, John Thompson, Sally Brooks In the face of the pressing challenges posed by hunger, malnutrition and the vulnerability of our food system, it is imperative that radical…
Background paper / Silver Bullets, Grand Challenges and the New Philanthropy
By Sally Brooks, Melissa Leach, Henry Lucas, Erik Millstone Whether generic ‘silver bullet’ solutions can address complex development problems has been debated for many years.
UN Resolution on the Use of S&T for Human Rights and Freedoms
UN Commission on Human Rights adopts Resolution on the Use of Scientific and Technological Developments for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms