GM Crops – a ‘pro-poor’ technology?

often hear that genetically modified (GM, transgenic) crops are urgently needed to kick-start agricultural development and overcome poverty, hunger and malnutrition in the global South. But the experiences of the…

Haemorrhagic Fevers in Africa: Narratives, Politics and Pathways of Disease and Response

Haemorrhagic fevers have, par excellence, captured popular and media imagination as deadly diseases to come ‘out of Africa’. Associated with wildlife vectors in forested environments, viral haemorrhagic fevers such as…

Botswana’s foot-and-mouth disease and beef trade policy

The beef industry in southern Africa has been a stalwart of economic development, but new conditions of trade, market access and disease dynamics, particularly of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), mean a…

Market access policy options for FMD-challenged Zimbabwe

The beef industry in southern Africa has been a stalwart of economic development, but new conditions of trade, market access and disease dynamics, particularly of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), mean a…

Market access for livestock commodities: foot-and-mouth disease as a key constraint to market access – Republic of South Africa

The beef industry in southern Africa has been a stalwart of economic development, but new conditions of trade, market access and disease dynamics, particularly of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), mean a…

Les défis de l’industrie bovine en Afrique australe

(English version / en anglais) L’industrie bovine sud-africaine a été l’un des fers de lance du développement économique du pays, mais les nouvelles conditions du commerce et de l’accès aux…

Les défis de l’industrie bovine en Afrique australe

Challenges for the beef industry in southern Africa

(French version / en français) The beef industry in southern Africa has been a stalwart of economic development, but new conditions of trade, market access and disease dynamics, particularly of…

Made by Monsanto: the Corporate Shaping of GM Crops as a Technology for the Poor

This working paper by Dominic Glover is about the social construction and social shaping of agricultural biotechnology in relation to international development. Genetically modified (GM, transgenic) crops have come to…