On the Edge of Sustainability: Perspectives on Peri-urban Dynamics

This paper examines some of the many ways in which the peri-urban has been theorised, considering, in particular, the implications for a normative research agenda towards improved environmental and social…

Amazonian Dark Earths in Africa?

This book chapter offers preliminary evidence concerning the existence of dark earth analogues in one part of West Africa and uses this to probe the historical and ecological arguments that…

Liquid Dynamics: challenges for sustainability in water and sanitation

Floods, droughts, 6,000 babies dying daily due to waterbounre diseases and growing sanitation problems in booming peri-urban and urban centres. No act of terrorism generates devastation on the scale of the crisis in water and sanitation. This paper demonstrates the big disconnect between global rhetoric and the everyday realities of poor and marginalised people.

Cambodia’s Victim Zero: Global and National Responses to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

Cambodia’s experience with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) since the disease was discovered on a farm outside Phnom Penh in January 2004 reveals important aspects of how a developing country…

Addressing the Dynamics of Agri-Food Systems

The ‘modernist’ project that has come to dominate food and agricultural policy has failed to provide sustainable outcomes for many poor people in developing countries. Conventional agricultural science is not…

Knowledge Accumulation and the Development of Poliomyelitis Vaccines

What does it take to develop a vaccine? This paper explores the technical and institutional conditions that allow reliable knowledge to build up in a series of structured stages from…

Epidemics for all? Governing health in a global age (Briefing)

Alongside climate change and terrorism, epidemics capture the contemporary imagination of a vulnerable, interconnected earth. Bursting from a confined area onto the world stage, epidemics demonstrate precisely the kind of…

Epidemics for all? Governing health in a global age

Alongside climate change and terrorism, epidemics capture the contemporary imagination of a vulnerable, interconnected earth. Bursting from a confined area onto the world stage, epidemics demonstrate precisely the kind of…

Epidemics for all? Governing Health in a Global Age (Working Paper)

Current global health policy is dominated by a preoccupation with infectious diseases and in particular with emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases that threaten to ‘break out’ of established patterns of…