The Centro STEPS America Latina – the new Latin American regional hub for our Global Pathways to Sustainability Consortium – has unveiled its own dedicated website.
The new website is now live at
The Centro STEPS website is run by a team at the Centro de Investigaciones para la Transformación (CENIT) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, who have been working with the STEPS Centre since 2008 on issues linking science, technology and innovation with environmental sustainability and social justice.
The new website showcases the Latin American hub’s research, policy engagement and other activities in the region, featuring publications, multimedia outputs, events and a blog. Research areas highlights include ‘innovation movements’, ‘productive transformations’, ‘power & knowledge’, and ‘knowledge networks’.
At the moment, the website is available only in Spanish, but English-language content will be added soon.
Making global connections
Centro STEPS America Latina is the first centre in our Global Consortium to launch its own website following the launch of the hub with a series of debates earlier this year (insert link. The five other hubs in the Consortium are being developed by our partners in South Asia, China, Africa and North America. News from the hubs will be posted here as it happens.
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To contact the Latin America team, email [email protected]