The new ‘Pathways’ Network, which explores transformations to sustainability in 6 cases around the world, had its opening workshop in Buenos Aires on 24-27 April 2016.
At the workshop, participants from Sweden, South Africa, and ‘hubs’ in Kenya, the UK, Argentina, USA/Mexico, India and China discussed research questions and how best to share learning.
The project centres on a set of ‘transformation labs’ (T-Labs) in each country. These are events which bring together people who face difficult dilemmas involving changing relationships between humans and the environment. The events aim to use creative methods to reveal hidden alternatives, debate what kinds of transformations might be desirable and possible, and create ‘prototypes’ of innovations which can be tested.
As well as opening up transformations in the study areas, the project members hope to learn more about how to design T-Labs that work well for different people, places and questions.
Adrian Ely (STEPS/SPRU, UK) and Anabel Marin (CENIT, Argentina) introduce the workshop and facilitate the discussion
Brainstorming what we mean by ‘sustainability’ and transformations’
Yang Lichao (China Hub) shares the hub’s concept note and research questions
The project team link up via video conference with other Transformative Knowledge Networks funded by the ISSC (International Social Science Council)
‘Pairs’ of hubs (China/Kenya, Argentina/UK, Mexico/India) compare projects and discuss how they will share learning
The group reflect on common points and differences between the hubs
After a discussion about communications, hubs do a quick exercise to describe the networks they will work with
Find out more about the Pathways project and the STEPS Global Consortium.