- Scoones, I. (ed.) (2010) Avian Influenza: Science, Policy and Politics, London: Earthscan Routledge.
- Elbe, S. (2010) Security and Global Health, Polity Press
- Dry, S. and Leach, M. (eds.) (2010) Epidemics: Science, Governance and Social Justice, London: Earthscan: Routledge. (Includes Scoones, I., Fighting the flu: Risk, uncertainty and surveillance)
- Pharmaceuticals and Security: The Role of Public-Private Collaborations in Strengthening Global Healh Security
- Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa Consortium
- Avian ‘flu: the politics and policy processes of a global response
- Project: Zoonoses: animal-to-human diseases
Journal articles
- Elbe, S. (2011) Pandemics on the radar screen: Health Security, Infections Diseases and the Medicalisation of Insecurity. Political Studies. 59(4): 848–866.
- Elbe, S. (2011) The art of medicine: Should health professionals play the global health security card? The Lancet. 378(9787): 220 – 221.
- Elbe, S. (2010) Haggling over viruses: the downside risks of securitizing infectious diseases. Health Policy Plan. 25(6): 476-85.
- Leach, M.; Scoones, I.; Stirling, A. (2010) Governing epidemics in an age of complexity: Narratives, politics and pathways to sustainability. Global Environmental Change. 20(3): 369–377.
- Stirling, A. and Scoones, I. (2009) From Risk Assessment to Knowledge Mapping: Science, Precaution, and Participation in Disease Ecology. Ecology and Society 14(2): 14.
- McLeish, C. and Nightingale, P. (2007) Biosecurity, bioterrorism and the governance of science: The increasing convergence of science and security policy. Research Policy. 36(10): 1635–1654.
- Elbe, S. (2007) Our epidemiological footprint: The circulation of avian flu, SARS and HIV/AIDS in the world economy. Review of International Political Economy. 15(1): 116-130
Working papers
- Forster, P. (2012) To Pandemic or Not? Reconfiguring Global Responses to Influenza. STEPS Working Paper 51, Brighton: STEPS Centre
- Vu, T. (2009) The Political Economy of Avian Influenza Response and Control in Vietnam. STEPS Working Paper 19, Brighton: STEPS Centre
Safman, R. (2009) The Political Economy of Avian Influenza in Thailand. STEPS Working Paper 18, Brighton: STEPS Centre
Forster, P. (2009) The Political Economy of Avian Influenza in Indonesia STEPS Working Paper 17, Brighton: STEPS Centre
Ear, S. (2009) Cambodia’s Victim Zero: Global and National Responses to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. STEPS Centre Working Paper 16, Brighton: STEPS Centre
Scoones, I. and Forster, P. (2008) The International Response to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza: Science, Policy and Politics. STEPS Working Paper 10, Brighton: STEPS Centre
Policy briefings
- Swine flu: what went wrong?, STEPS Centre
- One World, One Health? Learning from the International Response to Avian Influenza, STEPS Centre
- Epidemics: Policy, justice and future challenges, STEPS Centre
- Epidemics for all? Governing health in a global age, STEPS Centre
- Zoonoses: from Panic to Planning, Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa
Blogs, media and multimedia
- Ian Scoones on Responding to Pandemic Threats, April 2010
- The lessons of swine flu, Ian Scoones, The Guardian, 10 May 2009. A longer version is available on the STEPS Centre blog
- Ecology and infectious disease dynamics – from the forests of Sierra Leone by Melissa Leach, 6 April 2009
- Podcast (Jan 2013): Zoonoses – From panic to planning: Professor Melissa Leach interviews Dr Donald Grant
- Video interviews from Pandemic Controversies workshop, on lessons learned for the One Health agenda (YouTube)
Researching a Deadly Virus: Science, Security and the H5N1 Controversy. Centre for Global Health Policy, 22 May 2012