A set of resources relevant to the STEPS Centre Annual Symposium 2013
Credibility across cultures: expertise, uncertainty and the global politics of scientific advice
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Science and uncertainty
- Article: Keep it Complex. When knowledge is uncertain, experts should avoid pressures to simplify their advice. Render decision-makers accountable for decisions, by Andy Stirling (Nature, 22 December 2010)
- Book: Dynamic Sustainabilities: technology, environment, social justice by Melissa Leach, Ian Scoones and Andy Stirling
- Video: Andy Stirling on “Opening Up Scientific Incertitude: Some wider methodological and policy implications” from the International Symposium on Scientific Incertitude and Society, Dec 2012
Science and citizens
- Book: Science and Citizens: Globalization and the Challenge of Engagement (Claiming Citizenship) (2005) Edited by Melissa Leach, Ian Scoones and Brian Wynne
- Briefing: Science and Citizens: Local and Global Voices IDS Policy Briefing No. 30, by Melissa Leach and Ian Scoones, Institute of Development Studies: Brighton , 2006
- Paper: Mobilising Citizens: Social Movements and the Politics of Knowledge, IDS Working Paper by Melissa Leach and Ian Scoones (IDS, 2007)
- Paper: Science and Citizenship in a global context, IDS Working Paper 205 by Melissa Leach and Ian Scoones (IDS, 2003)
- Blog: The ‘Geeks’ Fight Back: challenges for science and democracy, Ian Scoones (Huffington Post, 15 May 2012)
- Blog: 3 challenges for science and democracy after Rio+20, Melissa Leach (The Crossing – STEPS blog, 29 January 2013)
International scientific assessments
- Paper: Global Engagements with Global Assessments: The Case of the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) IDS Working Paper 313, Ian Scoones, 2008
- Journal article: The politics of global assessments: the case of the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) by Ian Scoones, Journal of Peasant Studies, Volume 36, Number 3, July 2009 , pp. 547-571(25)
Science and policy processes
- Report: Understanding Policy Processes: A Review of IDS Research on the Environment , by the IDS KNOTS Team, 2006
- Conference: Erik Millstone on Does evidence matter? ODI meeting series
Science advice
- Collection of essays: Future Directions for Scientific Advice in Whitehall, edited by Robert Doubleday and James Wilsdon (18 April 2013)
- Article: Science policy: beyond the great and good by Robert Doubleday and James Wilsdon (Nature, 16 May 2012)
- Report: The Scientific Century by James Wilsdon (Royal Society, 2010)
- Report: New frontiers in science diplomacy by James Wilsdon (Royal Society, 2010)
- Pamphlet: The Atlas of Ideas by James Wilsdon (Demos, 2007)
- Pamphlet: China: the next science superpower? by James Wilsdon (Demos, 2007)
- Pamphlet: The Public Value of Science by James Wilsdon (Demos, 2005)
- Pamphlet: See-through Science by James Wilsdon (Demos, 2004)
- Beyond Rio Resource Centre
- Manifesto: Innovation, Sustainability, Development: A New Manifesto (STEPS Centre, 2010)
- Paper: Transforming Innovation for Sustainability – the STEPS Centre’s contribution to the Rio+20 discussions, produced with the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Tellus Institute
- Paper: Stirling, A. (2009) Direction, Distribution and Diversity! Pluralising Progress in Innovation, Sustainability and Development, STEPS Working Paper 32, Brighton: STEPS Centre