Book: Gender Equality and Sustainable Development

Gender-coversA new book, Gender Equality and Sustainable Development, edited by Melissa Leach, has been published in the STEPS Centre’s Pathways to Sustainability book series.

For pathways to be truly sustainable and advance gender equality and the rights and capabilities of women and girls, those whose lives and well-being are at stake must be involved in leading the way.

Gender Equality and Sustainable Development calls for policies, investments and initiatives in sustainable development that recognize women’s knowledge, agency and decision-making as fundamental.

The book includes an introduction co-authored by Prof Leach with Preetha Prabhakaran and STEPS water and sanitation convenor Lyla Mehta.

The chapters in Gender Equality and Sustainable Development examine gender and sustainability through four key sets of issues – work and industrial production; population and reproduction; food and agriculture, and water, sanitation and energy. The book demonstrates how plural pathways are possible; underpinned by different narratives about gender and sustainability, and how the choices between these are ultimately political.

Buy the book

Gender Equality and Sustainable Development
Melissa Leach (ed.)
Routledge, 2015
Order the book at a 20% discount online: use code DC361

Book chapters

1. Sustainable Development: A Gendered Pathways Approach Melissa Leach, Lyla Mehta and Preetha Prabhakaran
2. Pathways towards Sustainability in the Context of Globalization: A Gendered Perspective on Growth, Macro Policy, and Employment Elissa Braunstein and Mimi Houston
3. Population, Sustainable Development and Gender Equality Betsy Hartmann, Anne Hendrixson and Jade Sasser
4. Re-framing Food Security as if Gender Equality and Sustainability Mattered Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
5. Gender and Land Grabs in Comparative Perspective Michael Levien
6. Transformative Investments for Gender-Equal Sustainable Development Isha Ray
7. Gender Equality and Sustainable Development: The Limits and Potential of Global Policy Reports Shahra Razavi and Seemin Qayum

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