Research and expertise on the key Rio+20 issues in a new Beyond Rio Resource Centre.
For more than 20 years the University of Sussex and the Institute of Development Studies have been working together to address the global challenges of poverty reduction, social justice and environmental sustainability.
On the University of Sussex Climate Change Network website the STEPS Centre, IDS, SPRU and School of Global Studies have now brought together a selection of our key resources and expertise with direct relevance to the two overarching themes and seven critical issues identified by the UN for Rio+20, in the Beyond Rio Resource Centre.
The aim of the Resource Centre is to offer information and insight to those interested in new thinking and practical solutions for sustainable futures. This guide highlights the key research and gives details of experts for each section:
Green Economy / Institutional Framework
Jobs / Energy / Cities / Food / Water / Oceans / Disasters
Flyer: Beyond Rio Resource Centre (pdf 169kb)