‘Scarcity’ is a key term in debates about the global rush for land and other resources. A new Future Agricultures working paper, co-authored by STEPS director Ian Scoones, looks at…
Telling stories about scarcity
STEPS-JNU SYMPOSIUM: Every case is its own study? Every movement has its own goals?
By Adrian Smith, Researcher, STEPS Centre / SPRU Learning with and across diverse grassroots innovation movements Here in Delhi, first at the Grassroots Innovation Movements Workshop, and then at the…
STEPS-JNU SYMPOSIUM: Nexus narratives – water politics in Asia
By Ian Scoones, Co-Director, STEPS Centre The fourth panel at the STEPS-JNU Symposium focused on the highly contested narratives around how water is stored and accessed in Asia, with cases…
STEPS-JNU SYMPOSIUM: Transformative innovation from the grassroots
By Ian Scoones, Co-Director, STEPS Centre Session three at the JNU-STEPS Symposium focused on ‘grassroots innovation’. The panel emphasised the transformative possibilities of innovation, and the need to go beyond…
STEPS-JNU SYMPOSIUM: Making climate change visible
By Ian Scoones, Co-Director, STEPS Centre The second session at the JNU-STEPS Symposium focused on how uncertainties generated by climate change are appreciated both ‘from above’ and ‘from below’ –…
STEPS-JNU SYMPOSIUM: Turning urban sustainability on its head
By Ian Scoones, Co-Director, STEPS Centre At the STEPS-JNU Symposium on ‘Exploring Pathways to Sustainability’ organised with the Centre for Studies in Science Policy (CSSP) at Jawaharlal Nehru University in…
IDS seeks 3 new fellows in environmental change
The Institute of Development Studies is seeking to recruit up to three new researchers with international reputations for innovative interdisciplinary work broadly within the area of ‘Environmental Change’. A particular…
Paper: the Lucas Plan and socially useful production
A working paper by Adrian Smith tells the story of the ‘socially useful production’ movement in the 1970s and 80s, in particular the Lucas Plan, and its lessons for how…
Linking global and local sustainability: new journal article
The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in 2012 was another opportunity to reflect on the links between global and local sustainability. High-profile global processes, including the Convention on…
Call for abstracts: ‘Innovation for social inclusion’, 4s/ESOCITE meeting (August 2014)
STEPS member Adrian Smith (convenor of our Grassroots Innovation project) is co-organising a session on ‘innovation for social inclusion’ at the ESOCITE/Society for Social Studies of Science (4s) annual meeting…