by Adrian Smith, Rob Byrne, David Ockwell and Ian Scoones This is one in a series of four blog posts exploring ideas and case studies on ‘transformations’, drawing on research…
Want to transform access to technology? Follow the invisible threads
Beyond two-dimensional perspectives: Sustainable energy access as adaptation and mitigation?
Earlier this year, the Institute of Development Studies convened a one day meeting of scholars to discuss the emerging field of the politics of climate change adaptation. I study sustainable…
Africa Sustainability Hub will promote low-carbon opportunities
A new African sustainability research hub will make a “huge contribution” to promoting low carbon economic development in Kenya, according to a speech on Wednesday 10th June by Hon. Henry…
What are Climate-Relevant Innovation System Builders (CRIBS)?
Update (1 July 2015): The research described in this blogpost has been written up in an article for the journal Climate Policy: Ockwell D. and Byrne R. (2015) Improving technology…
Same meat, different gravy? The new Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA)
By David Ockwell, STEPS Centre Deputy Director, Research On 2 July African Union Heads of State and Government adopted the new Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024…