UNCTAD-II, New Delhi

This second UNCTAD conference addressed three main topics, all of which required negotiations and resulted in significant confrontation between the G77 and Group B. These included attempts to agree details of a generalised system of trade preferences, discussions on technology transfer and the situation of the Least Developed Countries which followed into UNCTAD III. UNCTAD II was considered a failure by some, but hope remained for a generalised system of trade preferences as one of the outcomes of the conference. (Bell, 1973)

Dudley Seers ‘The Meaning of Development’

Dudley Seers, first Director of IDS, argued that “the focus on national income as a target for achieving poverty reduction avoided the real problems of development” and recommended “redefining how development was measured”.

Intermediate Technology Development Group (now Practical Action) formed

The Intermediate Technology Development Group (now called Practical Action) was founded in 1966 by Fritz Schumacher and a few of his close associates to promote the use of ‘appropriate’ efficient labour-intensive technologies in rural areas.

IDS Alumni event

On 30 June 2009 we held a Manifesto event with Institute of Development Studies alumni, as part of a two-day alumni reunion in Brighton, UK.


By Julia Day After a simmering row between the US and Kenya at the start of the 8th African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) trade conference in Nairobi this week,…


Have a look at a short clip of Padmashree Gehl Sampath’s STEPS Centre Manifesto seminar on ‘Promoting Knowledge Generation through Intellectual property in Late Development’ as part of the Innovation,…

Institute of Development Studies founded at University of Sussex campus

IDS was founded in 1966 as a ‘special institution’, Britain’s first national institute of development studies. Among many areas in which IDS made pioneering contributions are its work in research…

Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) established at University of Sussex

SPRU – Science Policy Research Unit, later to be called the Science and Technology Policy Unit, is established at University of Sussex campus