This is the second in a series of blog posts on uncertainty by Andy Stirling. The first one is here and the third in the series is here. In a…
How politics closes down uncertainty
Politics in the language of uncertainty
This is the first in a series of three blog post about uncertainty by Andy Stirling. The second post is here and the third post is here. Uncertainty is not…
Preparing for pandemics and the role of uncertainty explored in new project
The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) has announced a new project funded by the Wellcome Trust: Pandemic Preparedness: local and global concepts and practices in tackling disease threats in Africa….
Art, Uncertainty and System Change
It is becoming increasingly common to see funders, at national and international levels, in the sciences, arts and humanities, encouraging interdisciplinary approaches to various fundamental policy challenges. Initiatives focusing on…
Embracing uncertainty: what are the implications for sustainability and development?
Uncertainty is a concept that defines our times. Every media headline seems to assert that things are uncertain, and increasingly so. Whether it’s climate change, disease outbreaks, economic conditions or…
Views from the coast: uncertainty beyond climate change
Coastal areas are a poster child for climate vulnerability. They are marked and scarred by sea level rise, salinization, warming water, declining fish stocks, storms, changes in currents and weather…
New ‘TAPESTRY’ project on transformations from below in uncertain environments
A new project involving STEPS is one of twelve awarded funding by the Belmont Forum and NORFACE joint programme Transformations to Sustainability (T2S). The project is entitled TAPESTRY: Transformation as…
STEPS presents research at Resilience and Transformations conferences
The STEPS Centre and our partners in the Pathways to Sustainability Global Consortium will present new and emerging research at two major international conferences in August and September 2017. We…
Workshop: Climate Change and Uncertainty from Above and Below
27-28 January 2016 New Delhi, India Uncertainty is often considered to be a “super wicked problem” or “monster” by scientists and policy makers. The integration of uncertainty in climate change…
Irrigation isn’t the only way to achieve food security in Ghana
Farmers attending their livestock in Northern Ghana (2012) by Ericsson Images / Flickr By Rachael Taylor, PhD studentSPRU, University of Sussex Earlier this month, a number of Members of the…