By Julia Day “With less than 850 days remaining.” It’s a sobering thought. If we were talking about football, we’d be well in to extra time now. As it is,…
Post-2015 outcome document: inclusivity needed
Engaging science and politics in a Post-2015 framework
A new STEPS Centre/IDS policy briefing examines how science and politics must be engaged in a post-2015 framework in order to tackle the interlinked environmental and social justice challenges which the world faces….
Mike Hulme on planetary boundaries and other metaphors
Spaceship Earth? Photo: NCC-1701-A by tram_painter on Flickr (cc-by-nc-nd) Prof Mike Hulme has a thoughtful post on the UEA’s 3S blog today on how metaphors affect the way we think…
Democracy in the Anthropocene? Science and Sustainable Development Goals at the UN
Melissa Leach, STEPS Centre director, was one of 28 scientists invited to attend a United Nations Expert Meeting to discuss science and Sustainable Development Goals. She reflects on the issues addressed,…
World Water Day 2013
Lyla Mehta, STEPS Centre water and sanitation convenor, writes about the need to look at the Millennium Development Goal on water and sanitation and what it means for gender justice, particularly as we look…
Decorating the Christmas tree with perfect Sustainable Development Goals?
By Katharina Welle, STEPS Centre PhD student The 2013 STEPS Symposium on “credibility across cultures” examined questions surrounding ‘best available’ scientific advice in relation to global policy processes on sustainable…
What role does the scientific community have in post-2015 debates?
ECOSOC, from unisgeneva’s photostream on Flickr by Pedro Telles, MA student, Institute of Development Studies Those who work in the development field currently find themselves in tricky debates around the…
From MDGs to SDGs: aspirations, evidence and diversity in setting global goals
By Adrian Ely, STEPS Centre Head of Impact and Engagement This week’s STEPS Centre Annual Symposium will be looking at the tensions between scientific advice and policy-making across international borders. I’ll…
Press release: Rio+20 Must Radically Rethink Innovation (27 March 2012)
A radical new approach to innovation is urgently needed to ensure a fair and green economy and avoid reversing progress made on global poverty reduction, according to leading scientists at…