By Ian Scoones and PASTRES Read the original blogpost David Attenborough’s mission to restore the balance of nature in the documentary A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement, is at…
Beyond the ‘Balance of Nature’: Pastoralists’ Alternative Perspectives on Sustainability
The Killing Famine: an outsider’s view of conservation and colonialism
The Killing Famine is an original comic by the artist Tim Zocco, who has been working with the STEPS Centre throughout 2020. In this piece, Tim Zocco reflects on a…
Unpacking uncertainty in times of climate change
By Shilpi Srivastava, Hans Nicolai Adam and Lyla Mehta Climate change undoubtedly is one of the most significant development challenges of our times. Research over the last few decades has…
New research on pastoralism in Africa funded by European Research Council
The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded one of its prestigious Advanced Grants to STEPS director Prof Ian Scoones. Ian will take this opportunity to build upon his earlier work…
Livelihoods on the edge: contested mangroves in Kachchh
There is a real buzz about Mundra village on the Gulf of Kachchh coast, one of the fastest growing industrial hubs in India. A sprawling port, two of India’s biggest…
How was a ‘policy space’ created for pastoralism in Kenya?
Pastoralism in Kenya has long been neglected and understood. Pastoralists have been seen by some as vulnerable, a source of conflict and a drain on the country’s resources. But recent…
“Pastoralism” book launch, 29 November, London
On 29 November, we’re launching the book Pastoralism and Development in Africa with a panel debate and drinks reception in Central London, held in association with the Royal African Society….
Pastoralism and Development in Africa: Dynamic change at the margins
This book takes a fresh look at the livestock sector in the Horn of Africa. The region is often in the headlines for all the wrong reasons: drought, famine, conflict…
Video: Pastoralism in Africa – doing things differently
Our new book Pastoralism and Development in Africa explores the booming livestock trade in the Horn of Africa, a region more often associated with conflict and famine. In this video,…
Pastoralism: the hidden story of development in the Horn of Africa
Our new book Pastoralism and Development in Africa: Dynamic Change at the Margins explores the hidden story of pastoralism in the Horn of Africa. The latest volume in our Pathways…