The political economy of state-led transformations in pro-poor low carbon energy: A case study of solar PV in Kenya

International efforts to achieve goals such as universal energy access and climate change mitigation are expected to stimulate billions of dollars of private financial flows to developing countries for clean…

The Political Economy of State-led Energy Transformations: Lessons from Solar PV in Kenya and China

STEPS Working Paper 92 Amid talk of the need for a low carbon ‘clean energy revolution’ to address the challenges of energy poverty and climate change, there is growing academic…

Solar PV and poverty alleviation in China: Rhetoric and reality

STEPS Working Paper 93 In 2014, China announced an ambitious plan to help alleviate rural poverty through deploying distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in poor areas. The solar energy for…

India’s peri-urban frontier: rural-urban transformations and food security

In India, peri-urban areas are too often neglected. Many people live in poverty and face increasing marginalisation and food insecurity. Yet peri-urban agriculture could be a major contributor to poverty…

Defying Control: Aspects of caring engagement between divergent knowledge practices

STEPS Working Paper by Saurabh Arora arguing for more caring forms of engagement between different knowledge practices, and against notions of control as embodied in the idea of the ‘Anthropocene’.

Grassroots innovation and innovation democracy

STEPS Working Paper 89 In this working paper we introduce an area of activity that has flourished for decades in all corners of the globe, namely grassroots innovation for sustainable…

Framing and reframing sustainable bioenergy pathways: The case of Emilia Romagna

STEPS Working Paper 88 This paper addresses the case of bioenergy development in Emilia Romagna, using and building on a ‘pathways to sustainability’ approach (Leach et al. 2010). It represents…

Technology for Autonomy and Resistance: The Appropriate Technology Movement in South America

STEPS Centre Working Paper 87 Download this paper (PDF 1 MB) Between the 1970s and 1980s appropriate technology (AT) become a worldwide grassroots innovation movement that sought to redefine technology as a…

Innovation for Sustainability in a Changing China: Exploring Narratives and Pathways

STEPS Centre Working Paper Series Download this paper here [PDF 918 KB] Given the environmental impacts of China’s current development trajectory and the country’s increasing economic and strategic focus on innovation, China’s progress…