Addressing antimicrobial resistance in China: policy implementation in a complex context

by Li Wang, Xiulan Zhang, Xiaoyun Liang and Gerald Bloom The effectiveness of antibiotics in treating bacterial infections is decreasing in China because of the widespread development of resistant organisms….

Co-design with aligned and non-aligned knowledge partners: implications for research and coproduction of sustainable food systems

An article by Anabel Marin, Adrian Ely & Patrick van Zwanenberg about the benefits and challenges involved in co-designing research projects on agriculture & food with partners who are ‘aligned’ or ‘non-aligned’ in their aims and values, published in the journal ‘Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability’.

Recognising sustainability frontiers in the peri-urban

Published in the SAWAS Journal of South Asian Water Studies. This article is concerned with the need to recognize the peri-urban as a frontier of urban sustainability, and to build…

Disembedding grain: Golden Rice, the Green Revolution, and heirloom seeds in the Philippines

Golden Rice” has played a key role in arguments over genetically modified (GM) crops for many years. It is routinely depicted as a generic GM vitamin tablet in a generic plant bound for the global South. But the release of Golden Rice is on the horizon only in the Philippines, a country with a storied history and complicated present, and contested future for rice production and consumption. The present paper corrects this blinkered view of Golden Rice through an analysis of three distinctive “rice worlds” of the Philippines: Green Revolution rice developed at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the 1960s, Golden Rice currently being bred at IRRI, and a scheme to promote and export traditional “heirloom” landrace rice. More than mere seed types, these rices are at the centers of separate “rice worlds” with distinctive concepts of what the crop should be and how it should be produced. In contrast to the common productivist framework for comparing types of rice, this paper compares the rice worlds on the basis of geographical embeddedness, or the extent to which local agroecological context is valorized or nullified in the crop’s construction.

Beyond technology and finance: pay-as-you-go sustainable energy access and theories of social change

Two-thirds of people in sub-Saharan Africa lack access to electricity, a precursor of poverty reduction and development. The international community has ambitious commitments in this regard, e.g. the UN’s Sustainable…

Transforming soils: transdisciplinary perspectives and pathways to sustainability

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability Volume 15, August 2015, Pages 20-24 Soils must be understood from a transdisciplinary perspective, integrating biophysical, social, economic and political understandings. This requires new combinations…

Regulating genetic engineering: the limits and politics of knowledge

Charges against critics of genetic engineering (GE) often take four general forms. But all of them, we argue, are unsupported by facts. First, scientific and policy debates are not, as…

Understanding the diffusion modes of grassroots innovations in India: A study of Honey Bee Network supported innovators

In this paper we examine the outcomes and connections of preferences of the non-formal innovators identified by the Honey Bee Network (HBN) in India. The chosen mode of diffusion of…

Improving technology transfer through national systems of innovation: climate relevant innovation-system builders (CRIBs)

Read this article (open access). The Technology Executive Committee (TEC) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) recently convened a workshop seeking to understand how strengthening national…

Special issue: Critical Thinking on the ‘New Security Convergence’ in Energy, Food, Climate and Water: Is the Nexus Secure … and for Whom?

Special issue of the journal Water Alternatives edited by Jeremy Allouche, Carl Middleton and Dipak Gyawali. Articles are open access. Contents: Technical veil, hidden politics: Interrogating the power linkages behind…