- Published 09/12/14
STEPS Briefing (to accompany Working Paper 76)
by David Ockwell and Rob Byrne
One of the most powerful boosts to addressing climate technology transfer and development under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) came in October 2014 at a meeting convened by the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) on strengthening National Systems of Innovation (NSIs) in developing countries.
This briefing suggests some key ways in which the UNFCCC architecture could be extended in order to strengthen National Systems of
Innovation (NISs) to achieve more transformative rates of climate technology transfer and development via the creation of “Climate Relevant Innovation-system Builders” (CRIBs).
This policy briefing builds on an invited presentation by one of the authors at a workshop on NSIs convened by the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It identifies policy recommendations for consideration of the TEC. The intention is both to inform possible recommendations by the TEC to the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) and to highlight potential areas for future work that the TEC could undertake on this issue.
For a deeper look at this issues please see:
- Our paper focused on policy recommendations, Working Paper 76: CRIBs (Climate Relevant Innovation-system Builders): Policy Recommendations on Fostering National Systems of Innovation under the UNFCCC.
- The forthcoming Working Paper 77: CRIBs (Climate Relevant Innovation-system Builders): An Effective Way Forward for International Climate Technology Policy.