Latest Past Events
Roundtable: Old Cities, New Risks
26 August 2021 at 17.00-18.30 (India time) This Roundtable brought together a panel of experts and key stakeholders to discuss the risks faced by India’s cities in the context of climate change and other uncertainties, and how to respond to them. The main objective of this Roundtable was to work with the participants to co-create...
Through the Eyes of the Kolis: A reflection on Mumbai’s past, present & future
21 August 2021 at 17.00 - 18.30 (India Time) A talk and an open discussion on the future of the Koli community in Mumbai. The panel consists of Kolis who are extremely passionate about the community and enthusiastic to work for the betterment of their people and their culture. Be a part of this discussion...
SUNDARBANS WITHOUT BOUNDARIES: Co-creating Transformative Knowledge and Action
Sundarbans Roundtable Session at ICCCAD Roundtable 26 July 2021 Co-hosted by the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) and the TAPESTRY project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETtL_X7PYqk This roundtable discussed the possibilities and results of transboundary research in the Indian and Bangladesh Sundarbans. Speakers shared views from their work on the nature and extent of boundaries; and...