The Pathways to Sustainability Global Consortium was made up of six ‘hubs’ based in leading academic institutes in Africa, South Asia, China, Europe, Latin and North America. Until the STEPS Centre’s closure in 2021, the Consortium provided a platform for working together on transdisciplinary research, policy engagement, teaching, impact and communications.
Explore the map below to view an archive of the activity in each ‘hub’, and links to information on current initiatives.
Hub sites
steps global consortium map
Artwork: Becky Ayre
The Consortium’s flagship project carried out comparative research and explored social transformations to respond to socio-ecological problems in six countries.
Operating from 2015-2019 in Argentina, Mexico, Kenya, China, the UK and India, the project conducted ‘Transformation Labs’ (referred to as T-Labs) to explore people’s visions, values and ideas, and produce practical social or technical innovations involving local people. The project’s findings were published as an Open Access book in 2021.