Latest Past Events

IDS 50: Sustainability transformations: the intersecting roles of state, market and society

Room 100, Institute of Development Studies Library Road, Falmer

Part of the Institute of Development Studies 50th Anniversary Conference: States, Markets and Society, this panel session will examine the politics of sustainability transformations through different cases, drawing on the work of the STEPS Centre and the emerging STEPS Global Pathways to Sustainability Consortium. The panel will open with an overview of the different ways...

Resource Conflicts & Social Justice – Nexus Network workshop

Room 221, Institute of Development Studies Library Road, Falmer, Brighton

In recent years, the notion of the nexus has gained traction in the domain of natural resource governance. It has become the defining vocabulary to understand the interlinkages between land, water, food and climate. Since the 2008 World Economic Forum pushed key players to be concerned about water, food and energy security and their interlinkages,...

What works at the Nexus? Conference

Coin Street Conference Centre 108 Stamford St, London

Join us at the first Nexus Network conference: What works at the nexus? New connections in food, energy, water and environment on Thursday 27 November from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm at the Coin Street Conference Centre in London. This is an opportunity for network members to meet, hear high-profile keynote speakers, discuss nexus challenges...
