Seminar: Helene Ahlborg on power and politics in energy transitions

Global Studies Resource Centre Arts C175, University of Sussex, United Kingdom

Towards a conceptualization of power and micro-level politics in energy transitions STEPS Centre Seminar: Helene Ahlborg 12.00-1.30, Monday 11 April 2016 Room C175 (Global Studies Resources Centre meeting room), Arts C, University of Sussex Helene Ahlborg will share her research about rural mini-hydropower electrification in Tanzania  and societal transformation. She will explain why and how...

Can we govern the climate?

Fulton A Lecture Theatre, University of Sussex Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom

Public lecture by Prof Harriet Bulkeley, Professor of Geography at Durham University, on 16 May 2016 at the University of Sussex.

STEPS: to a systemic ecology of mind – seminar with Ray Ison

Convening Space, IDS Library Road, Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom

Convening Space, Institute of Development Studies Library Road, Falmer, UK This seminar will cover a broad sweep of issues under the general rubric of building systemic governing capability in the context of the Anthropocene. Prof Ison's starting point will be to lay down a challenge as to whether those present have a systemic ecology of...

Kolya Abramsky: ‘Towards a Class-Based Approach to Global Energy Transition: Shifting Energy Demand, Expanding the Renewable Energy Sector and Phasing Out Fossil Fuel’

Room 221, Institute of Development Studies Library Road, Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom

STEPS Seminar - all welcome Convening Space, Institute of Development Studies Library Road, Falmer, BN1 9RE Abstract: Terms such as “energy democracy” and “climate justice” have gained increasingly widespread usage and acceptance over the last 5 years. In order to give weight to these slogans, it is necessary to understand the class relations behind the...

STEPS Seminar: Todd Crane – Interdisciplinary science and subjectivities in research for development

Room 221, Institute of Development Studies Library Road, Falmer, United Kingdom

‘Interdisciplinary science and subjectivities in research for development: What are the implications of methods and measures?’ STEPS Seminar - all welcome Socio-ecological research continues to grapple with how to represent social and biophysical phenomena in integrated and balanced ways. Methodological choices, especially regarding representation of the social, have important implications for the robustness of the...

STEPS Seminar: Charles Tonui on the co-management of mangrove forest in Gazi Bay, Kenya

Room 221, Institute of Development Studies Library Road, Falmer, United Kingdom

‘The Role of Community Based Organisations and Associations in Co-management of Forests in Kenya: The case of Mikoko Pamoja Community Based Organisation (MPCBO) and Gogoni-Gazi Community Forest Association (GOGACFA) in the Co-management of Mangrove Forest in Gazi Bay, Kenya’ STEPS Seminar with Charles Tonui, African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), Kenya. All are welcome to...

STEPS Annual Lecture: Achim Steiner

Fulton A Lecture Theatre, University of Sussex Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom

DOOMED TO FAIL OR BOUND TO SUCCEED? Sustainable Development and the Green Economy Agenda - Revisited Achim Steiner delivered the 2017 STEPS Annual lecture at the University of Sussex on 15 May. Steiner is former Executive Director of UNEP and now director of the Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford. In April 2017...


STEPS Seminar – Channing Arndt: ‘Faster Than You Think: The Global Energy Revolution and Developing Countries’

Room 221, Institute of Development Studies Library Road, Falmer, United Kingdom

STEPS Centre seminar with Channing Arndt, Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute Institute of Development Studies, Room 221, 15 December 2017 An energy revolution is underway. Driven by an enormous and unexpected downward shift in the full cost of renewable generation technologies, global investment in renewable electricity generation has exceeded investment in conventional...


When the Wolf Guards the Sheep: Green extractivism and confronting the industrial machine

Room G22, Jubilee Building University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom

As part of the Politics of Nature reading group, Dr Alexander Dunlap, co-hosted by the CGPE and STEPS centre, presents a seminar on the merits of an anarchist political ecology in assessing extractive projects and charting new directions in (re)imagining ecological, unruly and dignified futures.   Drawing on case studies of Europe’s largest opencast coal mine, the Hambach...


Public event: Meeting Energy – EASST 2018 conference panel

Lancaster Town Hall Dalton Square, Lancaster, United Kingdom

Lancaster Town Hall, Dalton Square Lancaster LA1 1PJ STEPS member Prof Andy Stirling (SPRU) is among the panel for this public event on energy, as part of the annual EASST conference. The other panellists are Gillian Kelly and João Camargo, and the meeting is chaired by Maggie Mort of Lancaster University. From the website: "With...

Understanding Uncertainty and Climate Change: Views from India

Convening Space, Institute of Development Studies Library Road, Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom

**THE DATE OF THIS EVENT HAS CHANGED** Seminar with Lyla Mehta, Shilpi Srivastava and Lars Otto Naess Research Fellows, IDS The scale and impacts of climate change remain deeply uncertain. This is particularly true at the local level, where climate related uncertainties combined with accelerated growth trajectories often exacerbate social and political inequities and the...

Transformations conference: Transformative Responses to Climate Uncertainties in South Asia

This session is open to registered participants at the Transformations Conference 2021. In this session we present and open for debate experiences and challenges (methodological and conceptual) from carrying out project research on transformation from ‘below’ in marginal environments in South Asia marked by high levels of climate-related uncertainties and where transformative changes are being...

Transformations Conference: Theories and Perspectives of Transformations

This session is open to registered participants at the Transformations Conference 2021. A live Q&A session with the authors of the presentations in this Interactive Session will take place at the scheduled time. Registered participants can watch the pre-recorded presentations from 7/06/2021 until 31/08/2021. Speakers: Bruce Goldstein Cristina Costa Salavedra Neha Mungekar Paulina Aldunce Andy Stirling...

T-Lab: Transformation As Praxis – Responding To Climate Change Uncertainties In Marginal Environments In South Asia

This session is open to registered participants at the Transformations Conference 2021. In this session we present and open for debate experiences and challenges (methodological and conceptual) from carrying out project research on transformation from ‘below’ in marginal environments in South Asia marked by high levels of climate-related uncertainties and where transformative changes are being assembled...

The politics of climate change and uncertainty in India

31 March 2022 at 17.00 (UK time) **Please note the new time of this event** This Sussex Development Lecture will introduce the themes of uncertainty explored in the new book The Politics of Climate Change and Uncertainty in India. More information and registration details are on the IDS website. Find out more