Current projects

A list of currently active projects affiliated to the STEPS Centre. For an archive of all STEPS projects including inactive and completed ones, see the list of all projects. From…

Unpacking uncertainty in times of climate change

By Shilpi Srivastava, Hans Nicolai Adam and Lyla Mehta Climate change undoubtedly is one of the most significant development challenges of our times. Research over the last few decades has…

Contextualising life histories in Tamil Nadu

by Divya Sharma and V. Gajendra, Relational Pathways project In the Relational Pathways project we are trying to understand the pathways in and out of poverty for farmers in India…

Community-based Micro Grids: Experiences in Rural Kenya

By Lorenz Gollwitzer I am standing in Olosho-Oibor, a small village three-hours from Nairobi, at the bottom of the Ngong Hills (famous as the place where Denys Finch Hatton crashed his…

Change mural

Care or control? Four challenges for transformations to sustainability

This post introduces a series of blog posts on ‘Transformations’, our theme for 2018. Transformation is one of those buzz words that’s everywhere these days, especially in relation to the…

Resource politics: living in the Anthropocene

By Ian Scoones, Director of the STEPS Centre This week we are hosting a major conference at the STEPS Centre at Sussex on resource politics. There are panels looking at…

UNU-IAS: S&T for Sustainable Societies

An Initiative by the United Nations University – Institute of Advanced Studies on Science and Technology for Sustainable Societies

Background paper / Silver Bullets, Grand Challenges and the New Philanthropy

By Sally Brooks, Melissa Leach, Henry Lucas, Erik Millstone Whether generic ‘silver bullet’ solutions can address complex development problems has been debated for many years.

Democracy in the Anthropocene?

Planetary boundaries / Illustration from Global Change magazine STEPS Centre director Melissa Leach recently wrote in the Huffington Post: “When the cover of the Economist famously announced ‘Welcome to the…