STEPS Centre events at ‘Our Common Future’ conference

Various Paris, France

From 8 - 10 July, STEPS Centre members will be participating in the international conference Our Common Future Under Climate Change in Paris. The conference comes ahead of the UN's COP21 conference in December. It looks at the state of knowledge about, and the range of responses to, climate change. Find out about our research...

STEPS conference 2015: Resource Politics

Room 221, Institute of Development Studies Library Road, Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom

Resource Politics: Transforming Pathways to Sustainability Why now? Contexts and debates In the build up to the confirmation of the post-2015 sustainable development goals, the politics of resource access, allocation and distribution are high on global policy agendas. The limits to economic activity in the face of ‘planetary boundaries’ are being fiercely debated, and even...

STEPS Seminar: ‘Resource Politics: Future Directions’

Room 221, Institute of Development Studies Library Road, Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom

Room 221, Institute of Development Studies, Library Road, Falmer, BN1 9RE, UK ‘Resource Politics: Future Directions’ Dianne Rocheleau and Kathleen McAfee A critical resource politics can contribute to reframing conservation sciences to bring science into the service of social and ecological justice. To this end, many of us are challenging the fetish of economic growth...


‘The ethos of scientific advice’ Seminar

SPRU Jubilee Building, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom

Arthur Peterson, from STEaPP, UCL, will give a seminar on ‘The ethos of scientific advice’ as part of the SPRU Friday Seminar Series on Friday, 20th November 2015. The seminar will be chaired by Andy Stirling (SPRU), and followed by a Roundtable on 'Dilemmas of Uncertainty in the Politics of Science and Innovation’, with James Wilsdon and Erik Millstone...

Leverhulme Lecture: ‘The Degrowth hypothesis’

Room 221, Institute of Development Studies Library Road, Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom

Leverhulme Lecture: 'The Degrowth hypothesis' Giorgos Kallis, ICREA professor at ICTA, Autonomous University of Barcelona; visiting professor at SOAS Monday 8 February at 4-5.30pm Convening Space, Institute of Development Studies Brighton, UK If we are to radically reduce carbon emissions and material use, we have to abolish the pursuit of economic growth and develop institutions...

How can the ecological impact of the richest 1% be reduced at a time of extreme inequality?

Room 221, Institute of Development Studies Library Road, Falmer, United Kingdom

Seminar with Dario Kenner 1.00-2.30 Friday 26 February 2016, IDS room 221 Recent research by Oxfam and French economists Thomas Piketty and Lucas Chancel indicates that the richest 1% of people in many countries, including the United Kingdom, have huge per capita carbon footprints compared to the rest of the population. The fact that richer...

Can we govern the climate?

Fulton A Lecture Theatre, University of Sussex Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom

Public lecture by Prof Harriet Bulkeley, Professor of Geography at Durham University, on 16 May 2016 at the University of Sussex.

Future of food: burgers…or bugs?

SILO Restaurant, 39 Upper Gardner Street Brighton, UK How and what we eat, the journey it’s been through and how much is left is over has a huge impact on the world's resources. With population growth, climate change, diet-related diseases and huge inequality in the food system, do we need to take a fresh look...

Rapid transition in finance and economics: recent and historical perspectives

Monsoon Room Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, UK See event page (Lady Margaret Hall website) This event is part of a series of Transformations events, organised by the New Weather Institute, the Centre for Global Political Economy at the University of Sussex, and the ESRC STEPS Centre. Charge: Free, but please register in advance by email...

Kolya Abramsky: ‘Towards a Class-Based Approach to Global Energy Transition: Shifting Energy Demand, Expanding the Renewable Energy Sector and Phasing Out Fossil Fuel’

Room 221, Institute of Development Studies Library Road, Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom

STEPS Seminar - all welcome Convening Space, Institute of Development Studies Library Road, Falmer, BN1 9RE Abstract: Terms such as “energy democracy” and “climate justice” have gained increasingly widespread usage and acceptance over the last 5 years. In order to give weight to these slogans, it is necessary to understand the class relations behind the...