About Divya Sharma

Researcher - Agrarian Transformations

Divya Sharma is a Research Fellow in Agrarian Transformations at SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit). Her research draws on the subfields of political ecology, critical development studies, historical sociology, agrarian studies, and science and technology studies and employs qualitative methodologies. She is interested in postcolonial rural transformations, mapping changing landscapes of work, agro-ecology and the politics of sustainability. She is a researcher with the ESRC-DFID project 'Relational Pathways: Mapping Agency and Poverty Dynamics Through Green Revolutions'.

All posts by Divya

Men walking in the street carrying large bags of food

The COVID-19 pandemic shows how power produces poverty

by Saurabh Arora and Divya Sharma Responses by governments to the COVID-19 pandemic around the world reveal how poverty is produced by social power. The pandemic points, in particular, to…

What is revolutionary about the Green Revolution?

The dramatic increase in yields of wheat and rice in the 1960s and 1970s in India, along with many other countries in the post-colonial world, was framed as a technological…

rural scene in Tamil Nadu

Uncovering Transgressive Solidarities

By Divya Sharma, Relational Pathways project In the Relational Pathways project, we are trying to understand the pathways in and out of poverty for farmers in India and Kenya. ‘Green…