Photo: Jatropha curcas – the biofuel plant from tonrulkens’ photostream on Flickr

Our director Melissa Leach is giving the first Annual Piers Blaikie Lecture on Environmental Politics at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in July. She’ll be speaking on ‘Green wins or green grabs? Contested pathways to sustainability in Africa’.

In our environmentally-anxious age, ‘win-win’ solutions that address climate change, resource scarcity, food security and poverty simultaneously are hugely enticing. But what if the ‘green wins’ become ‘green grabs’? What do political-ecological pathways mean for farmers – what vision of life and landscape are suppressed?

This public lecture will reflect on these questions through compelling stories from the forests of West Africa and discuss an alternative politics through which emerging global political ecologies might bring justice, rather than oppression.

5-6.30pm Monday 18 July 2011
Thomas Paine Lecture Theatre, UEA

Event details (PDF flyer)
STEPS Centre events